Catalogue of Absence
This installation questions whether we shall be able to catalogue any species at the conclusion of the anthropocene. Who will look at this book and will we exist? The empty pages also propose the idea of an open book for any future artificially generated creatures we could possibly create through genetic engineering or artificial intelligence.
Catalogue of Absence from Susan Striepe on Vimeo.
Plastic Ocean
As we empty our plastic waste into our oceans, I wonder how the ocean will be transformed and what deadness looks like.
Adjusting to a World of Absence
How will we adjust to the future we are creating for ourselves through the destruction of the environment? This video presents a visualization of a world that is so close to our own world, yet strangely changed. In this scenario, humans are altering their very nature, becoming posthuman. The situation that is described here is a person trying to function with faulty integrated technology.
Adjusting from Susan Striepe on Vimeo.